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Message boards : Number crunching : GPUGRID WU won't start

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Brian Richardson
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Message 14124 - Posted: 5 Jan 2010 | 1:29:41 UTC

I've been running BOINC for a while and started about 6 months ago with crunching CUDA stuff. On 12/31/09 I signed up with GPUGRID and received a couple of wu's. They then just sat there "waiting to run". Mean while BOINC finished several SETI cuda wu and downloaded a few more. I couldn't get the GPUGRID wu's to start until I suspened the SETI cuda wu's. Now since it the wu's sat for several days, there is now possible way to complete them in the time alloted. Currently boinc is estimating 26.5 hours to complete. There is only 24 hours before the wu is due.

I have the setting to only use the gpu when the system is idle, which it is most of the time.



Brian Richardson
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Message 14125 - Posted: 5 Jan 2010 | 4:16:28 UTC - in response to Message 14124.

I've decided to not run GRIDGPU wu's. Based on the computing time I've used and the amount needed to complete a wu, there is no way I will be able to complete a wu in the time allotted.

Looking at the time used vs percent complete, it's looking like it will take about 100 hours to complete a wu. I was given 5-6 days to complete the wu. Given that I run my computer about 15 hours a day and also run 2 other projects, there simply isn't enough computing time available within the 5-6 days to complete the GRIDGPU wu.



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Message 14127 - Posted: 5 Jan 2010 | 18:13:35 UTC

Just make GPUgrid the sole project. What could be more important? I'm sure the ET won't mind if you don't find him/her/it for a few more years :)

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Message 14140 - Posted: 6 Jan 2010 | 12:11:18 UTC - in response to Message 14125.

I've decided to not run GRIDGPU wu's. Based on the computing time I've used and the amount needed to complete a wu, there is no way I will be able to complete a wu in the time allotted.

Looking at the time used vs percent complete, it's looking like it will take about 100 hours to complete a wu. I was given 5-6 days to complete the wu. Given that I run my computer about 15 hours a day and also run 2 other projects, there simply isn't enough computing time available within the 5-6 days to complete the GRIDGPU wu.



BOINC basically will try and run GPU tasks in the order it received (downloaded) them. If the Seti work was downloaded first then it will try and finish Seti first. If however BOINC decided that they will miss their deadline it will run them out of sequence. Once a GPU task has started it will normally run to completion.

Regarding the run times. I believe you have a 9800GT, so this isn't really the right project for that card at this point in time. Maybe one day the guys running the project will reduce the work unit size so the slower cards have a chance to finish in time. As it is the GTX2xx cards typically take 6 to 8 hours a work unit.
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Message 14299 - Posted: 23 Jan 2010 | 22:06:57 UTC - in response to Message 14140.

Brian, there has been a release of a new GPUGrid application that should increase performance of your card. This, along with the other recent improvement by GPUGrid should improve you participation experience.

But dont try to run SETI at the same time, we have enough Evil Terresterials as is!

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Message boards : Number crunching : GPUGRID WU won't start
