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Message boards : Number crunching : CPU Load = 028, 0.31 etc ...

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Profile Carlesa25
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Message 22148 - Posted: 22 Sep 2011 | 17:31:47 UTC

Hello: For some time I see that the burden on the CPU varies for the same type of task, from one day to another, and not the same on Windows than on Linux.

For example: 0.28, 0.31 or 0.33 or CPU for the same type of task by day and by the OS. Suppose you have a reasonable explanation. Greetings.

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Message 22155 - Posted: 23 Sep 2011 | 14:43:37 UTC - in response to Message 22148.

Windows and Linux use different apps:
Linux is using the 6.14app and Windows is using the 6.15app.

Recently there has been variation in runtime on Windows for similar task types, so I would expect the same on Linux. Not all tasks are the same, and some naturally use the CPU more than others. Presently there are several different research types being run.

So, lots of variation. Fortunately you can choose to reduce the variation by selecting either long or standard task lengths:

    ACEMD for long runs (8-12 hours on fastest GPU)
    ACEMD standard

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Message boards : Number crunching : CPU Load = 028, 0.31 etc ...
