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Message boards : GPUGRID CAFE : Neew user. 225 hour Job that will not finish in 5 day deadlines

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Gopal Sharma
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Message 22829 - Posted: 25 Dec 2011 | 19:31:07 UTC

New to GPUGrid. I got been getting jobs that will not finish in deadline assigned. Whats does that mean. BOINC estimates that it will take 225 hours to do something. NOt enough to meet the 5 day deadline. . Is this how it is supposed to be. Or my NVIDIA GPU is slow one?

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Message 22830 - Posted: 25 Dec 2011 | 22:24:02 UTC - in response to Message 22829.

Your laptop's GPU is too slow for long tasks, therefore you should disable (uncheck the checkbox of) "ACEMD for long runs (8-12 hours on fastest GPU)" in your profile, under "GPUGrid settings".
It's not recommended to crunch for GPUGrid on laptops. At least you should provide better cooling for your laptop.

Gopal Sharma
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Message 22874 - Posted: 2 Jan 2012 | 20:14:02 UTC

OK. Per your advise unsubscribed to the Long Runs (8-12 hrs ) on the Settings. . So what is the recommended hardware to run GPUGrid. It looked like My GPU was always idle when I ran the the world Computing grid jobs. And that led me to search out for GPU grid. The projects of GPU grid looked good and for benefit of Humanity at large and I was looking to contribute my machine's idle cycles.
What is the best option for Cases like mine? What GPU projects could I run? . By the way, cooling has not seemed to be much of a issue at least so far.

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Message 22875 - Posted: 2 Jan 2012 | 20:41:08 UTC - in response to Message 22874.

You could try Docking@Home? CPU only but is a biology project similar to GPUGRID and you could run GPUGRID tasks at the same time.

I run D@H and GPUFRID at the same time on both my main systems.

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Message 22876 - Posted: 2 Jan 2012 | 20:46:57 UTC - in response to Message 22874.

Your 4200M is barely able to contribute to GPUGRid, due to it's limited capabilities (not many cores). You have completed 2 normal length tasks. The second took around 4days.

You are presently trying to run a long task. This will not return in time for credit, and it will be resent, and probably returned before you complete the task.

GPU crunching is not plug and play, it takes good hardware and correct configuration. I suggest you read the FAQ's for recommended configurations. In particular, keep your cache low and only try to crunch normal length tasks. Freeing a CPU core might also help.

If you are not keen on running tasks for 2, 3 or 4 days there are a few projects that I would recommend (MilkyWay and Einstein). POEM might also start to facilitate NVidia cards in the near future. There are also mathematical projects that you might be able to use your GPU on, but I don't appreciated these projects; another prime number is not the same as improving medicine.

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Message 23762 - Posted: 5 Mar 2012 | 1:38:53 UTC - in response to Message 22874.

OK. Per your advise unsubscribed to the Long Runs (8-12 hrs ) on the Settings. . So what is the recommended hardware to run GPUGrid. It looked like My GPU was always idle when I ran the the world Computing grid jobs. And that led me to search out for GPU grid. The projects of GPU grid looked good and for benefit of Humanity at large and I was looking to contribute my machine's idle cycles.
What is the best option for Cases like mine? What GPU projects could I run? . By the way, cooling has not seemed to be much of a issue at least so far.

World Computing Grid is now planning to offer GPU workunits in the future, but not soon enough to announce when.

I've had to add the Tthrottle BOINC add-on to my laptop to slow it down enough to prevent overheating, and also prop up the back edge to allow air to flow underneath. It's still not able to run GPUGRID at a useful speed.

POEM@Home seems to provide the GPU workunits most related to medical research so far, but only for AMD/ATI-based graphics cards so far. They plan to offer similar workunits for Nvidia-based cards later.

Until you get a GPU project you like, you may have to choose from these in order to persuade BOINC that since it has a GPU workunit, it can start asking for CPU workunits: (caution - in alpha testing)

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Message 23808 - Posted: 6 Mar 2012 | 17:14:57 UTC - in response to Message 23762.

POEM@Home seems to provide the GPU workunits most related to medical research so far

Good project but you could argue that GPUGrid's efforts towards designing a new cancer drug are just as useful to medical research ;)

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Message boards : GPUGRID CAFE : Neew user. 225 hour Job that will not finish in 5 day deadlines
