Team info
DescriptionAt Overclockers Australia (or Team 24) we are a diverse bunch with Teams in almost every active Open Computing Project, both based on the BOINC framework and external to it ( i.e. Folding@Home) As readers of the Overclockers Australia website, we tend to run our computers in a "non-standard" configuration - optimized for high performance. Join us in our collective quest to find just how the smallest things in life have profound effects on the biggest events in our own physiology and the physical world around us. so broad is the scope of this particular project, GPUGRID. that quite literally the opportunities are endless. What better group of people to crunch units with?
Web site
Total credit496,118,263
Recent average credit356,632
Cross-project statsFree-DC
Founder AfterBurner_1
New members in last day0
Total members31 (view)
Active members1 (view)
Members with credit14 (view)